Adreia Jessop, DNP Midwife Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Adreia Jessop received an Associate’s of Science in nursing degree from Lower Columbia College. She received a Master’s of Science in nursing with focus in Nurse-midwifery and Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees from Frontier Nursing University. She joined Family Health Center in 2018 and provides women’s health care and family planning services at the Kelso Medical Clinic.
Danielle Glover-Cloutier, DNP Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Dr. Glover-Cloutier, who prefers to go by Danielle, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Women’s and Gender studies from Eastern Washington University. They then attended Washington State University and completed a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice. They completed their practicum in the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome wing of the NICU at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane as an RN and at Community Health Association of Spokane for their doctorate.